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Rugby Coaching with Sir Graham Henry & Wayne Smith with Sir Graham Henry

In this series, we talk with Sir Graham Henry and Wayne Smith all things rugby!

Part 1. Sir Graham Henry & Wayne Smith Promo 1:31 Free video

In this promo video, we talk to rugby greats – Sir Graham Henry & Wayne Smith. Enjoy!

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Part 2. The Changes in Coaching   22:28 Member content

In the first of this series, we hear Ted and Smithy talk about how they got into coaching and the key influences in their coaching development. Enjoy!

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Part 3. Coach Education 15:59 Member content

In this video, we look at part of the coach learning process and what are important elements to coach education? Enjoy!

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Part 4. Rebooting the Game 6:45 Free video

In the latest video of this series, we find out what ideas Sir Graham Henry & Wayne Smith suggest on how the game could be improved for all levels, and formats. Enjoy!

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Part 5. Push the Boundaries & Develop as a Coach 16:37 Member content

In this video, 2x RWC winning coaches Sir Graham Henry and Wayne Smith talk about technology and culture (purpose), in the final part of the Coach Education series. Enjoy!

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Course Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
Duration 63:20
Topics Interviews Leadership & Management Coaches Corner
Applicable to Coaches   Others   Supporters and fans  
Languages English

Click on CC button at top left of video for other translation options.

Course reviews

Great insights learned from these two coaching legends of the game. Great to be encouraged that we have the responsibility to share the ideas about coaching (Smith).. Amazing!!!

Arabian Gulf

This is incredibly insightful and a great platform to build from. Brilliant!


Awesome videos from these two very intelligent, ground breaking coaches/men




85kg international comp? Great idea!


Two of the greatest rugby brains together, great students of the game. Excellent insight and an easy listen.


Fantastic listening into the mindset of two of the greatest coaches. I have really enjoyed this series and taken a lot away.


Thanks for asking my question about a re-boot of the game. It is fascinating to hear these legends reflect and I hope that the world of rugby is paying attention. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to change things for the better. Once again, I think that New Zealand will lead the thinking.


I have been watching Wayne Smiths videos for years now. His comments in this one on the essence of under age rugby is bang on. There is a lot of talk about the game being fun for youngsters that get lost as soon as there is a league, and a medal. Catch pass and beating players, that’s the game according to Graham Henry, and have fun doing it. It is not serious. After all you “play” rugby.


Very wise words from two Very wise men. Great insight for coaches to learn from especially looking at the How to coach vs the What to coach.

Great Britain & Northern Ireland

Awesome to listen to two legendary coaches and just good down to earth people.

South Africa

I like the advice of letting the kids play, let them try things rather than everything being structured.

New Zealand

I like when Wayne said you don’t have to be perfect, but it’s about “Mastery” master your trade


It was a real treat to get to know more about these coaches that I learn from on this site. The best part of it for me was identifying with them. Identifying with coaches that seem inaccessible in many ways designed a certain confidence and motivation here. Priceless.


Fantastic reflections.

New Zealand

Excellent video, also so much humility from these two greats.


Great coaches ones of the best minds in the game. Thank you for this!



New Zealand

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  • Graham Henry & Warren Gatland
  • Wayne Smith & Eddie Jones
  • Sam Warburton & Richie McCaw
  • Leigh Halfpenny & Victor Matfield

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