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Create and Stop a Maul with Brendon Ratcliffe

Brendon Ratcliffe is back in front of the camera. In this series, Brendon looks at all aspects of the maul from setup to defending one.

Part 1. Driving Maul from a lineout / Stage 1 - Setting the platform 8:13 Member content

Brendon is back with his new Maul Series and Part 1 is all about setting the platform. Enjoy!

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Part 2. Driving Maul from a lineout / Stage 2 - The Drive   12:18 Member content

This week we look at stage 2 of the driving maul from a lineout. Enjoy!

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Course Part 1, Part 2
Duration 20:31
Topics Set Piece Youth Coaching
Applicable to Coaches   Players   Others   Supporters and fans  
Languages English

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Course reviews

Are the players not offside in that maul set up, they are both in front of the catcher?


If both lifters step in front of the jumper, this would be considered an infraction.


very good its importend to know your role in a successfull maul great video

South Africa

What about arm positions on lifters. Rather than arms on the back of the jumper, on the drive, arms are instead bound to the jumpers front?


Excellent videos….great tips.


Excellent explanation and scaffolded really well so that juniors can pick up on the cues and triggers!


great session. from part one and part two. I hope to be adding this to my arsenal this season.


Very good, well explained, simple steps for progression.

Great Britain & Northern Ireland

Thank you for the feedback, Phil Connolly.



South Africa

Good stuff

New Zealand

Hi Brendon, another two top class videos, really enjoyed the detailed easy to follow and nicely demonstrated skills please keep them coming.

New Zealand

I really enjoyed this footage, very helpful.


I have the same concern… refs have become quite strict on lifters blocking defenders and as soon as it even seems like their ahead of the jumper, they can be pinned. I am also concerned about using the outside arm to bind on the jumper, a clever defender can worm his way in there… Enjoyed the basic setup and simple communication though.

South Africa

Part one and two very clear will use this tonight. My only concern is,as mentioned in other posts, the idea of lifters blocking in front of jumper. I guess if the impression given is that they are still bound and lifter is still in air with the ball then they are just planting their feet. Albeit in a blocking position but as part of the lift. Thanks for this though.


Excellent enjoyed he body position of the lifters. Carter Croft


Defenders cannot be blocked from attacking the jumper once he has landed. Some refs may penalise if the lifters bind across jumpers backand are to forward of him, so as to block defenders.


Hi Keri—John, we have discussed the setup with NZ and UK referees. As long as the jumper comes straight down and the ball is not passed back the players are legally permitted to bind in the prescribed manner.

New Zealand

Quick question, aren’t the props dangerously close to being offside and causing obstruction? Referee’s interpretation?


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