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Wal Herring Wal Herring is a Nutritionist and she love food, most importantly she loves how food can be a catalyst for our own personal growth.

About Wal Herring
Here’s what Wal has to say…
…Allow me to introduce myself, I am Wal Herring, a mother of three, I am the youngest of three sisters who grew up rural on a small northland (New Zealand) dairy farm. I have travelled all over the world, having my first child in England, second in Japan and third at home, unassisted in Piha, new Zealand.
I love the outdoors – especially mountain biking, I have a love hate relationship with yoga (I often hate it while I am there, but love it when I am done!). I am a Nutritionist and I love food, most importantly I love how food can be a catalyst for our own personal growth. I am learning to love gardening (because I feel a pull to do so) and I most of all I love people. I love their quirks, their differences, I love trying to figure out how their brains work.
You intrigue me.
Published Work
2016: Healthly Little Eaters, Published: Penguin Random House NZ