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Tackling videos

Tackling is 90% technique and 10% application.

Tackle the wide range of safe tackling videos we have tailored for all levels of the game.

From introducing juniors to safe tackling to advanced technical and tactical points including tackle tracking.

Watch in-depth videos from some of the game's best tacklers and coaches including Sir Wayne Smith, Sir Graham Henry, Richie McCaw, Aaron Jones, Al Rogers, Courtney Lawes and others.

Plus we have categorised them by playing level to make it easier for you to find:

  • Y – youth
  • HS – high school
  • A – adult
  • All – suitable for all levels

Tackling resources

Why one ‘knee equals two feet’ against the high tackle

The solution is to drop body-height quickly and dramatically, and get at least one knee to the ground immediately. Nick Bishop details what knee on ground is a solution to and why it has become so effective in the tackle.

Why rugby has yet to find consistency in contact height

Nick Bishop investigates why consistently refereeing a tackle height is proving challenging for match officials.

How to set the tackle trap

Nick Bishop highlights in this week’s analysis how by setting ‘tackle traps’ the attacking side can help the referee and the game as a spectacle.

How to chop down the attack – the Shaun Edwards way

Defence coach Shaun Edwards has been around the game of Rugby Union for a long time. He has a history of teaching a low tackline technique known as the ‘chop’ tackle, and an equally well-documented dislike of high tackling technique (‘the choke’). Analyst Nick Bishop looks at how Edwards has safely amended and developed his low tackling, ‘chop’ philosophy with the times.

Why tackling has become high stakes

The hold-up tackle is still very much on the cutting edge of team’s defences. Analyst Nick Bishop looks at how it has had to transform itself in order to remain there.

Missed tackles and their impact

Good tackle technique varies based on the physical attributes of the tackler, position on the field, carrying style of the attacker or even the time in a match. Analyst Dave Ellis looks simple guidelines for a good tackle.

Is it time for Ardie Savea to start for the All Blacks?

Will the All Black selectors follow Wales coach Warren Gatland’s very successful approach and field 2 No 7s in the loose forwards? Nick Bishop analyses Ardie Savea’s recent development and claim for inclusion in the ABs starting XV.

Aggressive ball-placement options at the Women’s World Cup final

The women’s game has the virtue of being different in character to the male version of rugby. Analyst Nick Bishop looks at why the women’s game is on the rise, especially after the outstanding World Cup final played last weekend between the New Zealand Black Ferns and the England Roses.

Chopping them down to size

The chop or cut tackle remains one of the most effective defensive devices, particularly against heavy ball-carries close to the previous breakdown. Read all about it in Nick’s latest article.

Wayne Smith Trailer: The Frontal Tackle

Here’s the trailer for the latest in the Wayne Smith series, The Frontal Tackle. The feedback from our members has been loud and clear…outstanding content that is really making a difference to individual player and team performance.

In this video Wayne delivers another example of how, with some simple technique and mindset changes The Frontal Tackle can become an important weapon for your team a d turn defence into attack.

See all Tackling resources